I don't know about you, but I made my New Year's resolution too hard. At first I told myself, this will be easy! Set aside 30-60 minutes a day for writing? Pschhh, you can find time to do that during a boring class at school. You don't even have to set aside time at home to write. Here's what happened:
January first of 2011 passed. There was no pen tickling the paper that day. None at all. And you know what? On that day, I was in the car heading back home from winter vacation. I had 18 hours to write! Granted, I didn't have sunlight for all 18 of those hours, but all I needed to do was write for 30 minutes! Instead, I was too busy admiring the view whizzing past me as we hurdled down the highway at 80 mph. The highway definitely has the world-class scenery, doesn't it?
After pondering how I can stare out the window for hours on end, you are probably wondering why I'm writing about this now when I failed 21 days ago. Well, to be frank, I just remembered my New Year's resolution a couple hours ago! You may be asking how I forgot a promise I made to myself, but the truth is: I don't really know. I guess I have an odd psyche.
So now that I have remembered my resolution~drum-roll please~I'm going to amend my New Year's resolution!! And yes, just like a constitution! Except without as much debating and controversy.
And that is the story of why I am writing a blog now! I've decided I might actually write 30-60 minutes a day if I interact with others about what I'm writing. It'll be much more motivating! So in order to help me with my amended New Year's resolution, will you comment on this article and the subsequent articles I post? And don't forget to vote in the poll I've created! I'm very interested to see the results.
New Year's resolutions are difficult because once you don't do them, you tend to give up on them altogether. Maybe a better resolution is to write when you get a chance. That way you don't put to much pressure on yourself. Afterall, writing every other day or once a week or even once a month is better than not writing at all.
ReplyDeleteYeah, they are difficult. I'm definitely taking your comment into consideration because I don't have enough sleep-time to spare to keep posting on my blog once a day. I'll probably end up posting once or twice a week- not quite my goal, but it is better than no posting at all.