Like many Americans yesterday, I watched the Superbowl. Well, actually I watched the last two minutes of the second quarter and half time. In those 15 minutes that I was watching, which by the way I wish I could get back, I saw that it was indeed the 45th Superbowl.
Hip-hip-hooray! No, that is not what originally went through my mind. Instead it was, "Why do they have to use the Roman numerals XLV instead of the normal number system currently in use today?". I mean, we already have our own number system, so why do we use an out-dated number system?
When I raised my concerns, I was told "It looks fancier." Lame-o. It is actually a bit confusing with these seemingly random letters that represent certain numbers. Then, add in the subtraction notation (IV instead of IIII) and this additional number system that is present in everything from books to sporting events games, becomes even trickier.
Did you know I had a test over Roman numerals in my Geography class last year? Double lame-o, but it was an easy grade :) My question is: Why memorize two number systems?
Here's a little tidbit I heard from my Theory of Knowledge teacher today. Somewhere in this world, (she couldn't remember where), there is a tribe that doesn't have specific word/symbols for numbers! Doesn't that seem odd? Immediately, we all askourselves (or we did in our Theory of Knowledge class) "How do they function without concise words/symbols for numbers?" Apparently, the tribe has a word for one or so and a word for a couple. From what my teacher said, it didn't sound like any of the words or symbols they used were specific; they were only used as approximations! I would very much like to observe how they order things. My imaginative psyche is already making up random situations with this interesting number system: "Yes, I'd like one or so of that shoe."
Doesn't that blow your mind?! The pleasure of being a human being! What's going on in your mind? Comment below and don't forget to vote in the polls!
Hip-hip-hooray! No, that is not what originally went through my mind. Instead it was, "Why do they have to use the Roman numerals XLV instead of the normal number system currently in use today?". I mean, we already have our own number system, so why do we use an out-dated number system?
When I raised my concerns, I was told "It looks fancier." Lame-o. It is actually a bit confusing with these seemingly random letters that represent certain numbers. Then, add in the subtraction notation (IV instead of IIII) and this additional number system that is present in everything from books to sporting events games, becomes even trickier.
Did you know I had a test over Roman numerals in my Geography class last year? Double lame-o, but it was an easy grade :) My question is: Why memorize two number systems?
Here's a little tidbit I heard from my Theory of Knowledge teacher today. Somewhere in this world, (she couldn't remember where), there is a tribe that doesn't have specific word/symbols for numbers! Doesn't that seem odd? Immediately, we all askourselves (or we did in our Theory of Knowledge class) "How do they function without concise words/symbols for numbers?" Apparently, the tribe has a word for one or so and a word for a couple. From what my teacher said, it didn't sound like any of the words or symbols they used were specific; they were only used as approximations! I would very much like to observe how they order things. My imaginative psyche is already making up random situations with this interesting number system: "Yes, I'd like one or so of that shoe."
Doesn't that blow your mind?! The pleasure of being a human being! What's going on in your mind? Comment below and don't forget to vote in the polls!
i just want to share roman numeral from other link ..