Friday, February 4, 2011

Would you want to know when you are going to die?

I've never wanted to know when I will die; however, I know there are people out there that would like to know.  For instance, my Spanish teacher talked about this subject for about ten minutes last class and he made it very clear that if he had the option, he would like to know when he will die. 

I'm not sure how normal this opinion is though.  You see, I question my Spanish teacher's sanity. He isn't a raving lunatic, but he has several odd quirks.  I won't go into any details since my teacher is not the focal point of this post, but I will mention that he named his son after his childhood dog.

Okay, on to the real topic of this post.  Why would anyone want to know when they will die?  Many a person can argue that they can live a better, more fulfilling life if they knew when it was going to end, but I don't know about that.  For some people, especially those that are highly motivated, I can believe that they could do more with their lives by knowing when they will die, but I think this would apply to very few people.

There are also people with dark minds in this world.  I can easily imagine a vengeful person or a criminal setting the record straight right before they croaked, thinking that they escaped a long jail sentence.   

And, of course, there is the scary factor.  If I knew when I was going to die, it would be forever lurking in the back of my mind, always there and always nagging at me.  That is not how I'd like to live.

Most of my Spanish class was of the same opinion as me.  We tried to point out all the bad things that could arise from knowing when one will die, but my Spanish teacher was quite stubborn and did not see things from our point of view at all.  He did, at one point, say that he wouldn't want to know how he would die.  Apparently, all the possible ways he could die seemed to scare him.  Ah, well, my Spanish teacher is an oddball.     

What is your opinion on all of this?  Comment below!  

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